The Desolation of Smaug Extended Edition Scene Guide *DETAILED SPOILERS* (2025)

The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug Extended Edition is out today as a download from iTunes! As we did last year with An Unexpected Journey EE, TOR.n has compiled detailed descriptions and screencaps from the 25 minutes of extended footage in The Desolation of Smaug. SPOILERS AHEAD!

3:26 - At the Prancing Pony, after Gandalf asks Thorin what he is doing in Bree, Thorin responds that he received word that his father (Thrain) had been seen wandering the wilds of Dunland, but did not find him. Thorin then tells Gandalf that he's like all the others, and thinks that Thrain is dead. "I was not at the Battle of Moria", Gandalf says. "No", answers Thorin, "but I was".

Flashback to the battle shown in An Unexpected Journey; After Thror was slain, Thrain tries to restrain Thorin from running after Azog.

The Desolation of Smaug Extended Edition Scene Guide *DETAILED SPOILERS* (1)

Thrain: Azog means to kill us all! One by one, he will destroy the line of Durin. But by my life, he shall not take my son!

Thorin (voiceover): My father lead a charge toward the Dimholt gate, but he never returned. Thrain is gone, they told me. He is one of the fallen. But at the end of that battle I searched amongst the slain, to the last body. My father was not among the dead.

Gandalf (back at the Prancing Pony) Thorin, it's been a long time since anything but rumor was heard of Thrain.

Thorin: He still lives, I am sure of it!

Gandalf: The ring your grandfather wore. one of seven given to the Dwarf Lords many years ago...what became of it?

Thorin: He gave it to my father before they went into battle.

Gandalf: So Thrain was wearing it when he went missing...

16:00 - After Beorn shifts from bear to man, the scene cuts him entering the house and Bilbo seeing him. It's morning, and we see a quick shot of wood being chopped. Bilbo wakes up, sees the bees, then joins the dwarves standing near the front door. They are arguing about how to get away from Beorn without being seen.

Nori: I say we should leg it and slip out the back way!

Dwalin: I'm not running from anyone, beast or no.

Gandalf tells them there is no point in arguing, as they will be unable to make it to Mirkwood without Beorn's help. Gandalf decides to go outside and speak with Beorn. He brings Bilbo with him.

Gandalf: This will require some delicate handling; we must tread carefully. The last person to have startled him was torn to shreds.

Gandalf tells the dwarves to wait inside until he gives the signal that it's safe to come out.

Bofur, looking out a high window, asks "What's the signal", but Gandalf and Bilbo have already gone.

Gandalf, clearly nervous, announces himself to Beorn, who is chopping wood.

The Desolation of Smaug Extended Edition Scene Guide *DETAILED SPOILERS* (2)

"Good morning!.......'Good morning!'

Beorn stops and turns slowly to Gandalf. "Who are you?"

Gandalf: I'm Gandalf. Gandalf the Grey.

Beorn: Never heard of him.

Gandalf: I'm a wizard! Perhaps you've heard of my colleague, Radagast the Brown. He resides in the southern borders of Mirkwood.

Beorn: What do you want?

Gandalf: Well, simply to thank you for your hospitality. You may have noticed that we took refuge in your lodgings last night.

Bilbo, who had been hiding behind Gandalf, pokes his head around for a better look. Beorn spots him and frowns.

The Desolation of Smaug Extended Edition Scene Guide *DETAILED SPOILERS* (3)

Beorn: Who is this little fellow?

Gandalf: Well, this would be Mr. Baggins, of the Shire.

Beorn: He's not a dwarf, is he?

Gandalf explains that Bilbo is a Hobbit, and from a good family. Beorn asks them why there here, and Gandalf tries to explain the quest, while waving his arms animatedly.

Bofur, still watching from the window, takes the waving as Gandalf's sign that they should come out. Dwalin and Balin come out first, and introduce themselves. Beorn is clearly not pleased to see them. Gandalf confesses that there are more dwarves, and slowly the rest come out. ÂThorin comes out last, and Beorn appears to recognize him. Scene then cuts to the dwarves eating breakfast.

Note: While Beorn is describing the Mirkwood elves ("Less wise, more dangerous"), the point of view shots are in a different order than the theatrical edition, although the dialogue is the same

23:23 - In the woods near Beorn's house. We see the dwarves with the ponies that Beorn has lent them, preparing to leave.

Beorn: You will leave my ponies before you enter the forest.

Gandalf: You have my word.

The Desolation of Smaug Extended Edition Scene Guide *DETAILED SPOILERS* (4)

A bird squawks. Gandalf remarks that they are being watched.

Beorn: Yes. The Orcs will not give up. They will hunt the dwarves until they see them destroyed.

Gandalf: Why now? What has made the Defiler crawl from his hole?

Beorn: There is an alliance between the Orcs of Moria and the sorcerer of Dol Guldur.

Gandalf: Are you sure of this?

Beorn: Packs have been seen gathering there. Each day more and more come.

Gandalf: What do you know of this sorcerer. The one they call the Necromancer.

Beorn: I know he is not what he seems. Fell things are drawn to his power. Azog pays homage to him.

Thorin interrupts them and tells Gandalf they must leave. Gandalf turns to leave.

Beorn: There is more. Not long past word had spread that the dead had been seen walking near the high fells of Rhudaur.

Gandalf: The dead?

Beorn: Is it true? Are there tombs in those mountains?

The Desolation of Smaug Extended Edition Scene Guide *DETAILED SPOILERS* (5)
Voiceover from Galadriel, as we watch a group of men carrying what appears to be a body wrapped in linens and chains: When Angmar fell, the men of the north took his body and all that he possessed, and sealed it in the high fells of Rhudaur. Deep within the rock, they buried him in a tomb so dark, it would never come to light.

Gandalf: Yes, there are tombs there.

Beorn: I remember a time when a great evil ruled these lands. One powerful enough to raise the dead. If that enemy has returned to Middle-earth, I would have you tell me.

Gandalf: Saruman the White says it's not possible. The enemy was destroyed and will never return.

Beorn: And what does Gandalf the Grey say?

Gandalf is silent.

Beorn: Go now while you still have the light. Your hunters are not far behind.

We then see the Company arrive at the edge of Mirkwood, and Gandalf tells them he must leave.

29:18 - As Gandalf prepares to leave, he warns the others: This is not the Greenwood of old. There is a stream in the woods that carries a dark enchantment. Do not touch the water. Cross only by the stone bridge. The very air of the forest is heavy with illusion.

The Desolation of Smaug Extended Edition Scene Guide *DETAILED SPOILERS* (6)

31:00 - After entering the forest, the dwarves are just starting to feel the effects of the Mirkwood air. They find the remains of the bridge that Gandalf mentioned, but it is impassable. Bofur suggests that they swim across, but Thorin reminds him of Gandalf's warning. They try to find another way across; Kili finds some large vines and starts to climb over. Thorin tells him to stop, and sends Bilbo over instead. Bilbo just makes it to the other side. He tries to warn the others that something doesn't seem right, but they have already started crossing over. Before he can make it to the other side, Bombur falls asleep.

The Desolation of Smaug Extended Edition Scene Guide *DETAILED SPOILERS* (7)

Just as Thorin crosses over to Bilbo, Bilbo looks up into the forest and sees a Patronus glowing white stag. Thorin takes aim with his bow.

The Desolation of Smaug Extended Edition Scene Guide *DETAILED SPOILERS* (8)

Bilbo: What are you doing??

Thorin and the stag lock eyes, and Thorin fires an arrow, but misses.

Bilbo: You shouldn't have done that. It's bad luck

Thorin: I don't believe in luck We make our own luck.

The rest of the dwarves make it over, and pick Bombur up from the water, and carry him into the forest. Bilbo then makes the mistake of tugging at a spiderweb, sending vibrations up into the trees.

1:26:45 - We see the Master in his study.

Master: You mark my words, that troublemaking bargeman is behind this! (instead of cutting to Bard, we stay with the Master) No one else would have the...

Alfrid: Bollocks, sire. (holding up a plate of food) Ram and goat, sautéd in a lovely little mushroom gravy

We then see the Master eating (and who, in this writers opinion, is tied with Denethor as most disgusting eater).

The Desolation of Smaug Extended Edition Scene Guide *DETAILED SPOILERS* (9)

Alfrid: In an ideal world, sire, we'd arrest him. But Bard has the favor of the people. They see him as a leader. Someone they can truly admire. Modest...intelligent...handsome...athletic.

Master: Yes, he's clearly modelling himself on me. But that's no crime. I wonder...I wonder if some ancient law might exist...that forbids bargemen from asking questions. Do you think such a venerable statute might exist?

Alfrid: Almost certainly, sire. I'll write one immediately.

1:28:38 - After Bard frees the dwarves and Bilbo from the barrels, they head toward Bard's home.

Bilbo: What is this place?

Thorin: This, Master Baggins, is the world of Men.

A Laketown guard spots them and orders them to stop. They take off running, but are soon cornered by another guard. The dwarves and Bilbo attack the guards, and quickly knock them out with pots, pans, and mops. The dwarves, and some of the townsfolk, hide the unconscious guards just as another, Braga, appears. Braga has a look around but doesn't see anything amiss.

The Desolation of Smaug Extended Edition Scene Guide *DETAILED SPOILERS* (10)

Bard: Here Braga, your wife would look lovely in this.

Braga: What do you know of my wife?

Bard: I know her as well as any man in this town.

Braga gets angry and storms off.

The company leave, and arrive at Bard's house, where they are greeted by his son.

1:39:22 - As the dwarves and Bilbo are sneaking into the armory to get weapons, the scene shifts to the Master of Laketown's home. Alfrid is standing on the balcony.

Master: Prophecy? Who dragged up that old nonsense?

Alfrid: People, sire. They're gathering in the streets. They're saying that a king will return to the Lonely Mountain, and that the rivers will once more run with gold.

Master: Rivers of gold? Poppy(burps)cock.

Alfrid: As you say, sire. But people will believe what they want to believe. It's been a long time since they've seen any riches. The old tales offer them hope.

The scene shifts back to the armory and the dwarves grabbing as many weapons as they can carry.

1:42:25 - After Thorin promises the citizens of Laketown that if they help them, they will be rewarded with riches. The celebration is interrupted by Alfrid.

Alfrid: Why should we take you at your word, eh? We don't know nothing about you. Who here can vouch for your character?

Bilbo, standing in the crowd, raises his hand.

Bilbo: Me. I'll vouch for him. Now, I have travelled far with these dwarves through great danger, and if Thorin Oakenshield gives his word, then he will keep it.

1:47:25 - As the dwarves climb into their boats and leave Laketown, the scene cuts to the Master and Alfrid walking back to the Master's home. Guards walk in front of them, pushing townsfolk out of the way.

Alfrid: Masterfully handled, sire. Your popularity has never been so high. The entire town twittering your name.

Master: Yes, it was rather clever. Either our little friends return triumphant, in which case I stand to make a pretty penny. Or old Smaug dines on dwarf for a day or two. The important thing is they're off our hands.

Just as they are about the enter the Master's home, Fili stops them.

The Desolation of Smaug Extended Edition Scene Guide *DETAILED SPOILERS* (11)

Fili: Please, wait! Please! We need your help, my brother is sick!

Master: Sick?? is it infectious? Get back! Alfrid, get them back!

Oin: Please, we need medicine.

Alfrid: Do I look like an apothecary? Haven't we given you enough? The Master's a busy man. He hasn't got time to worry about sick dwarves. Be gone. Will you go on? Clear off!

Master: What this town needs, Alfrid, is a good purge. Starting with a certain troublemaker who saw fit to question my authority.

1:49:15 - Additional footage of the dwarves and Bilbo climbing the Lonely Mountain, and arriving at Dale. A thrush flies by them.

The Desolation of Smaug Extended Edition Scene Guide *DETAILED SPOILERS* (12)

Bilbo: So quiet.

Balin: Wasn't always like this. Once, these slopes were lined with woodlands. The trees were filled with birdsong.

1:52:18 - Gandalf enters Dol Guldur, and walks into a chamber. He hears something. The scene cuts back to the dwarves and Bilbo searching for the entrance to Erebor. Cut back to Gandalf.

Gandalf: The evil that is hidden here, I command it reveal itself!

The Desolation of Smaug Extended Edition Scene Guide *DETAILED SPOILERS* (13)

Gandalf walks into a courtyard, and hears something. We see a figure high up, and pounces down onto Gandalf. After a scuffle, Gandalf pushes the figure off him, and off of a ledge. Gandalf runs down and chases after him. Gandalf runs through corridors, hearing growls around him, and we see the figure chasing him. Suddenly the figure leaps out and attacks Gandalf again. Gandalf tackles the figure, puts his hand on the figure's head, and begins chanting. The figure begins to calm down.

Gandalf: Thrain, son of Thror. My old friend.

The Desolation of Smaug Extended Edition Scene Guide *DETAILED SPOILERS* (14)

Thrain: Gandalf?

Gandalf smiles with relief.

Thrain: A lifetime. I've been here a lifetime.

Gandalf: I'm so sorry I gave you up for dead.

Thrain: I had a son. (quick flashback to the Battle of Moria) Â Thorin!

Gandalf: And you will see him again. Come, we must leave.

Thrain: The Orcs had Moria. War...we were at war. I was surrounded. The Defiler. Azog the Defiler had come. (flashback to battle) We see Azog approach Thrain on the battlefield and knock him down. We also see the Dwarven Ring of Power on Thrain's hand. (flashback ends). Gandalf lifts Thrain's hand...and his ring is missing, along with his ringfinger.

Thrain: They took it.

Gandalf: The last of the Seven. Come, let's get you out of here.

Thrain: There is no way out! They will stop you! The serpents will stop you!

We then see some vines start to move, but Gandalf dismisses it as an illusion. Thrain then reveals that he had been tortured by the Orcs, but had told them nothing of the map and key to Erebor. Gandalf tells Thrain that he would be very proud of Thorin, and his quest, but Thrain becomes upset and tells Gandalf that no one should enter the mountain.

2:09:21 - Back to Thrain and Gandalf, running through Dol Guldur.

Thrain: He is waiting for them! They are in league - the dragon and the one!

Azog jumps out and attacks Gandalf, knocking him to the ground. Gandalf stops Azog with his staff, then looking over the ledge, sees the army of Orcs and wargs. Gandalf uses the power of his staff to escape with Thrain. Gandalf destroys the bridge, and then is confronted by the Necromancer. (note: scene is the same as the theatrical edition, only with Thrain added back in).

The Desolation of Smaug Extended Edition Scene Guide *DETAILED SPOILERS* (15)

Thrain looks up at Gandalf: Tell Thorin I love him. Will you do that? Will you tell my son that I loved him?

Gandalf: You will tell him yourself.

Thrain: It's too late.

Tendrils of smoke whip out from the Necromancer, grabbing Thrain and killing him.


So that's it! What do you think of the 25 minutes of footage? Are there any scenes that you were hoping would get added? Let us know in the comments!

(This post was edited by Silverlode on Oct 22 2014, 2:31am)

The Desolation of Smaug Extended Edition Scene Guide *DETAILED SPOILERS* (2025)
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