Hungry like the wolf: Wolfenstein New Order Technobubble review (2024)

Jason Hidalgo|

Life is filled with what-if moments.

Like "What if Justin Bieber actually had talent?"

Or "What if Lady Gaga did not want your love and all your lover's revenge?"

Then you have more serious questions like "What if the Nazis won World War II?" Apparently, the answer is cyborg dogs and tons of misery according to "Wolfenstein: The New Order" as the grandaddy of the modern first-person shooter returns with a new souped-up shooting adventure.

Once again, you play the role of tough-as-nails hero B.J. Blazkowicz as he fights the good fight against the Nazi war machine. You start out in the waning moments of the war as the Allies mount a last-ditch attempt to take out the villain Deathshead, who's responsible for the technological advancements that are giving the Nazis the upper hand. One thing leads to another and B.J. regains his wits 14 years later in a world ruled by the very foes he failed to take down.

Presentation is something "The New Order" does and does quite well. The game sports a nice graphic look and design that provides a nice break from shooters set in more modern times. These include its use of excellent set pieces that take you from the coast and countryside to a new glitzed up version of Berlin. I also like the melding of both old and new technologies for a distinct look, which include steampunk-style power suits and the aforementioned cyborg attack dogs. Wolfenstein certainly has its own style and manages to make its experience look fresh. Audio, meanwhile, is par for the course for the most part but also throws in some reimagined pop tunes with amusing consequences.

Hungry like the wolf: Wolfenstein New Order Technobubble review (1)

Hungry like the wolf: Wolfenstein New Order Technobubble review (2)

Technobubble Video: Nazis, cyborg dogs in Wolfenstein New Order

Reporter Jason Hidalgo steps into an alternate reality where the Nazi war machine wins World War II in his review of “Wolfenstein: The New Order” for PS4. (Game also on PC, PS3, Xbox 360 and Xbox One)

Jason Hidalgo/RGJ

Story also shines in The New Order, especially when compared to the more forgetful ones seen in most shooters. Folks who love digging into a meaty campaign will enjoy the latest rendition of Wolfenstein thanks to an interesting plot that's driven by well-written characters. It's a pretty sad story that has its share of heartbreaking parts. The foes in this game are portrayed quite ruthlessly, leading to many uncomfortable moments. It's a story that actually had several non-gamers glued to their seats when I decided to play the game for an hour and a half during a party in my house. They actually looked genuinely dismayed when I decided to stop playing and get back to the party.

Gameplay, while not groundbreaking for the genre, is still quite polished and feels nice overall. It actually combines some old-school shooter mechanics with more modern gameplay elements, resulting in a pretty good experience. In addition to having several weapon types, for example, you can pretty much add any weapon you pick up to your inventory, with the exception of heavy machine gun turrets that you disengage. You can dual wield weapons as well, which I don't really recommend for weaker enemies due to its quick ammo usage but can help bring tougher enemies down faster during boss fights. Overall, the dial system for switching between these weapons is OK but can get wonky, especially during difficult boss fights.

You also can manually pick up health items, armor and ammo, which adds an old-school touch but also can be polarizing depending on your preferred play style. I actually don't mind manually picking up health packs, though I'd prefer automatic pickups for ammo, especially when things get hectic. Health, meanwhile, regenerates like a modern shooter but in increments of 20. If your life goes down to 24, for example, it only regenerates up to 40, adding a bit of extra strategy to hit point management.

One positive is that the game can accommodate different playstyles. Taking out enemy commanders, for example, encourages stealth as doing so without being discovered prevents the arrival of a swarm of foes. Cover shooter lovers, meanwhile, don't get a pure cover mechanic but can peek in various directions by holding down a button. You also can run and gun and dual wield for a more aggressive approach. Based on your playstyle, you can unlock perks that can help you out. The perks system could have been executed better but it's still a nice option to have.

Enemy AI on the other hand is a bit of a mixed bag. On one hand, I like their propensity to flank you, which can get you killed should you pick a poor spot to make your stand when things get crazy. Like Justin Bieber with a carton of eggs, however, they also have their fair share of brain-dead moments, such as when they move around aimlessly or just stare at you.

Another downside is that the game does not have a multiplayer mode. But just like I gave Titanfall good marks for sticking with multiplayer only but doing that really well, I'm also giving Wolfenstein high marks for sticking with just the story mode and delivering a good experience. Play time, overall, can take up to 20 hours depending on your play style, preferred difficulty and propensity for exploration or lack thereof.

Ultimately, whether or not Wolfenstein works for you depends on your shooter preferences. If you're all about multiplayer, then this game is not for you. If you're like me and love a meaty campaign with a good story, however, The New Order delivers the goods. Add extras like the Wolfenstein 3D easter egg and the encouragement of a second playthrough and there's a lot to like here for lovers of pure shooters.

Final rating: 4 stars out of 5

Cost: $60; PC, PS3, PS4, X360, XB1


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Hungry like the wolf: Wolfenstein New Order Technobubble review (2024)


Why is Wolfenstein: The New Order so good? ›

The gameplay is very solid and just downright fun. But what makes the whole thing work so well (beyond the gameplay), is the story, the actors, the music, and the CGI acting. This is the most downright poignant and engrossing story I've seen in an FPS possibly ever.

Is Wolfenstein New Order easy? ›

The New Order is quite challenging, it feels a little more difficult than a lot of first-person shooters.

What happens in Wolfenstein new order? ›

The game is the sixth main entry in the Wolfenstein series, set in an alternate history 1960s Europe where the Nazis won the Second World War. The story follows war veteran William "B.J." Blazkowicz and his efforts to stop the Nazis from ruling over the world.

What is the prequel to Wolfenstein: The New Order? ›

A prequel to the events of The New Order, The Old Blood is a fitting addition to the modern legacy of Wolfenstein... although one has to admit that it does end up feeling like an elaborate expansion pack to The New Order at times as opposed to its own thing.

Is Wolfenstein: The New Order inappropriate? ›

A handful of sequences depict bodies incinerated/mutilated by torture devices. During the course of the game, characters sometimes engage in sexual activity (e.g., a man thrusting against a woman on a table; a woman gyrating on top of a man in bed—camera angles largely obscure the sex act and no nudity is depicted.).

Is Wolfenstein: The New Order better than the new colossus? ›

New Colossus does utilize the same features, but players will always fall back on using a gun. In New Order, players will almost always find themselves using other things, like melee, and the stealth elements to get through. This gives New Order the edge over New Colossus since it can be more rewarding in the former.

How many hours does it take to finish Wolfenstein: The New Order? ›

You are the only man capable of rewriting history. How long is Wolfenstein: The New Order? When focusing on the main objectives, Wolfenstein: The New Order is about 11½ Hours in length. If you're a gamer that strives to see all aspects of the game, you are likely to spend around 24½ Hours to obtain 100% completion.

Will there be Wolfenstein 3? ›

Wolfenstein 3 is the final game in the rebooted series that takes place after Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus and Wolfenstein: Youngblood. The game will finish the trilogy.

Can a 14 year old play Wolfenstein: The New Order? ›

While this game is not to violent it has some very hard scenes to watch and some very graphic sexual content and the language is really strong and is usually used in an angry way. Overall this game is really good and is fine for people 14 and up.

Who is the serial killer in Wolfenstein: The New Order? ›

Anya became a dreaded induvial under the Nazi's rule, gaining the name "The Matawies Serial Killer", but decided to leave her crusade to aid her parents at the asylum.

Who is the bad guy in Wolfenstein: The New Order? ›

Irene Engel, better known as Frau Engel, is a fictional character from the Wolfenstein video game series. She first appears in Wolfenstein: The New Order, a 2014 title developed by MachineGames and published by Bethesda Softworks.

Do I need to play anything before Wolfenstein: The New Order? ›

They do not require you to have any knowledge beforehand, but if you're used to playing third person games, it can take a bit to adjust. I started with Old Blood. This game introduces the plot and gives background information you would not understand or have in New Order.

How did Germany win in Wolfenstein? ›

The Nazis had beaten the Allies in creating the first atomic bomb and had it detonated on New York City, having previously defeated Great Britain and the Soviet Union. The United States of America surrendered to the Nazis, ending the war.

Is bj blazkowicz related to doomguy? ›

According to John Romero and Tom Hall, B.J. Blazkowicz (From Wolfenstein) is Commander Keen's Grandfather, and Doom Guy is Keen's Grandson He has also said that Blazkowicz (Doomguy) may be several generations, many years into the future (and that heroism always skips a generation in his family).

What punk is Wolfenstein? ›

World War II is a popular theme in dieselpunk games. One of the more prominent of these was Activision's Return to Castle Wolfenstein, as well as the sequel to the 2009 game Wolfenstein, Wolfenstein: The New Order, which takes place in an alternate 1960s Europe where the Nazis have won World War II.

Is Wolfenstein: The New Order worth it? ›

If this is the New Order for Wolfenstein, then this is a promising start. Thanks to the quality in both concept and function, this is one of the finest first-person-shooters I've ever played, and the best iteration of one of gaming's most storied franchises.

Which is better Wolfenstein Old Blood or New Order? ›

The New Order (Best Story) The New Colossus (Best Gameplay and Graphics) The Old Blood (More gameplay focused for older Wolfenstein fans)

Is Wolfenstein The New Colossus good or bad? ›

Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus is an FPS that makes a ton of good to great decisions, but also a handful of poor ones. Tightly crafted gameplay is marred by adherence to genre conventions, and the narrative gets off to a slow start as the game decides what it wants to be.

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