Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness (2025)



  • Feb 14, 2022
  • #121

So Wanda's path seem to be going downhill with each project. I didn't watch No Way Home so I'm kind of confused but did Strange do some magic to intentionally hurt ppl or the universe? I'm even more surprised why is she comparing her situation to Strange?

Immortal Weapon

Put a smile on that face
  • Feb 14, 2022
  • #122

Tofali said:

So Wanda's path seem to be going downhill with each project. I didn't watch No Way Home so I'm kind of confused but did Strange do some magic to intentionally hurt ppl or the universe? I'm even more surprised why is she comparing her situation to Strange?

Peter messed up the amnesia spell Strange was doing for him and it caused a bunch characters trying to enter the MCU. It threaten to collapse their reality. This movie is dealing with the fallout of that.



  • Feb 14, 2022
  • #123

Immortal Weapon said:

Peter messed up the amnesia spell Strange was doing for him and it caused a bunch characters trying to enter the MCU. It threaten to collapse their reality. This movie is dealing with the fallout of that.

OK this makes sense to me now, thanks for the update.


Extraordinary Member
  • Feb 14, 2022
  • #124

Who are the two guys sitting, and who is the one walking to his chair?



  • Feb 14, 2022
  • #125

They could be any member from the Illuminati

  • Feb 14, 2022
  • #126

Tofali said:

They could be any member from the Illuminati

Never mind that it could easily be a "Patchwork..." version from all around the multiverse.

(Think Multiversity...)



  • Feb 14, 2022
  • #127

numberthirty said:

Never mind that it could easily be a "Patchwork..." version from all around the multiverse.

(Think Multiversity...)

Yep, I agree it could be.



Staff member

  • Feb 14, 2022
  • #128

Mr.Majestic said:

Did you guys catch Rintrah in there too? Talk about everything but the kitchen sink guys.

Yet oddly no Clea. Then again, I guess everything's going so wrong, Strange can't meet his wife yet.

John Venus


Staff member

  • Feb 14, 2022
  • #129

ChrisIII said:

If we have some version of the Illumnati I wonder if there will be an alternate universe Iron Man played by Tom Cruise perhaps.

Tom Cruise did a hilarious cameo in Austin Powers, I can totally buy him doing a cameo for a Marvel movie. Especially since he and Hayley are also working on MI3 &4 and Hayley is rumored to show up in this as Captain Carter.

John Venus


Staff member

  • Feb 14, 2022
  • #130

Mr.Majestic said:

Did you guys catch Rintrah in there too? Talk about everything but the kitchen sink guys.

I was wondering who the Minotaur was.

Material Flux

Spectacular Member
  • Feb 14, 2022
  • #131

Immortal Weapon said:

Peter messed up the amnesia spell Strange was doing for him and it caused a bunch characters trying to enter the MCU. It threaten to collapse their reality. This movie is dealing with the fallout of that.

I loved that movie but I still think that part was dumb. I suppose now that Tony is dead they need an arrogant person who will be at fault for the next couple movies. Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness (9)


Vic Vega

Extraordinary Member
  • Feb 14, 2022
  • #132

Tofali said:

They could be any member from the Illuminati

I pretty sure the guy who says "We should tell him the truth" is Patrick Stewart. I could be wrong. The timber of his voice has changed with age.



Staff member

  • Feb 14, 2022
  • #133

Vic Vega said:

I pretty sure the guy who says "We should tell him the truth" is Patrick Stewart. I could be wrong. The timber of his voice has changed with age.

I think it's 99% him. He has a very distinctive voice.


Ultimate Member
  • Feb 14, 2022
  • #134

I'm still hoping that Nightmare shows up and it's not mainly about fighting evil versions of Doc Strange. I also hope Karl Mordo has an expanded role.

Nate Grey

  • Feb 14, 2022
  • #135

Huh. That trailer confirms most of the rumors I've been hearing about this sequel.

Looks great, fingers crossed though that Strange isn't a guest star in his own movie.



Staff member

  • Feb 14, 2022
  • #136

Nate Grey said:

Huh. That trailer confirms most of the rumors I've been hearing about this sequel.

Looks great, fingers crossed though that Strange isn't a guest star in his own movie.

If anything he's the main character, they're just going to be piling and piling on problems and consequences for his actions.

I wonder if this will be the equivalent of Dr. Strange misery porn...


  • Feb 14, 2022
  • #137

Nate Grey said:

Huh. That trailer confirms most of the rumors I've been hearing about this sequel.

Looks great, fingers crossed though that Strange isn't a guest star in his own movie.

Yes, Also it does not help the person has a very very distinctive voice you can spot anywhere if you are into the sci fi and comic book community.

Bringing him back feels like a bad move as they have yet to establish anything about mutants in their universe. it also shows Marvel can really do only one thing.

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Nate Grey

  • Feb 14, 2022
  • #138

Castle said:

Yes, Also it does not help the person has a very very distinctive voice you can spot anywhere if you are into the sci fi and comic book community.

Bringing him back feels like a bad move as they have yet to establish anything about mutants in their universe. it also shows Marvel can really to only one thing.

This is what has me nervous:

"Doctor Strange 2 Reshoots Officially Done as Production Wraps"

The Doctor Strange 2 reshoots were reportedly done in order to add more cameos and character introductions to the sequel following the great response to Spider-Man: No Way Home.

Emphasis mine.

Even with the two Spider-Men (Maguire and Garfield) and Strange, NWH always felt like it was Peter's (Holland's) show. It never lost sight of that, at least I feel it didn't, mileage may vary. But it was baked in from the start. They're doing it in reverse here and I worry it may get crowed and Strange himself might get lost in the shuffle. Oh I'll be happy to see all the cameos I'm sure, but...I hope like NWH being Peter (Holland's) story, that DS2 is still very much Stephen's story.

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King of Wakanda
  • Feb 14, 2022
  • #139

Loved the trailer. Seems like a lot of rumors are true. Think the Wanda stuff is a misdirect and she will be a hero in the end, not the villain. Hope Mordo has a big part. Chewy is amazing and I love the new look with the long braids. If rumors are true Reed is part of that Illuminati like group we see when we hear Patrick Stewart. And the new actor will be playing him so we might find out who’s playing Reed when this film comes out. I won’t get my hopes up.

Anyone have any guesses on who else will be on this interdimesonal Illuminati?

Prof X
Captain Marvel(Played by Maria rambeau it looked like in a still from the trailer. Maybe Maria and Carol switched places in that universe)
Hank pym
Captain America Variant
Maybe an A.I Tony stark controlling those Ultron bots. RDJ could just do a voice and not take much of his time. Highly doubt those Tom Cruise rumors or Evans playing Human Torch ones. We obviously see some Strange Variants but I don’t think any will be on that council

The visuals were crazy, so I’m really excited for this. If nothing else it should be complete eye candy.

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Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness (2025)
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