Boredom and Apathy by Second-Class Citizens (2024)

Boredom and Apathy by Second-Class Citizens (1)

Boredom and Apathy

Second-Class Citizens

Second-Class Citizens


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Nothing is as importan to me as sleep.

I'll get up at one and I'll turn on the t.v.

I'll sit here all day long, I've got nothing to do.

I'll flip through the channels untill my fingers are black and blue


Boredom and Apathy, it gotten the best of me.

Boredom and Apathy, i'm so damn lazy.

Boredom and Apathy, I've got no motivation.

Boredom and Apathy, I've got no motivation.

That I dont mind!

Overall Meaning

The lyrics to Second-Class Citizens' song "Boredom and Apathy" speak of a person who has become consumed by their lack of motivation and drive to do anything. The first line of the song, "Nothing is as important to me as sleep," sets the tone for the rest of the lyrics, indicating a sense of lethargy and apathy towards anything that requires effort or energy. The lines that follow describe the singer's day, which is spent watching television and flipping through channels in search of something to occupy their time. The repetition of the phrase "Boredom and Apathy" in the chorus highlights the pervasive nature of this feeling in the singer's life.

The song presents a sharp commentary on the societal malaise that often results from a lack of fulfillment and meaning in one's life. The lyrics speak to the sense of hopelessness and disillusionment that can take hold when one feels trapped in a cycle of inactivity and disengagement. Moreover, the singer's admission that they don't mind their lack of motivation adds another layer of complexity to the song, suggesting that the dullness and monotony of their existence have become normalized as part of their everyday life.

Line by Line Meaning

Nothing is as importan to me as sleep.
Sleep is the most important thing to me, more important than anything else.

I'll get up at one and I'll turn on the t.v.
I wake up late and immediately turn on the TV as I have nothing else to do.

I'll sit here all day long, I've got nothing to do.
I have no plans or activities to do, so I sit idle all day.

I'll flip through the channels untill my fingers are black and blue
I keep changing channels of the TV so much that my fingers start hurting.

Boredom and Apathy, it gotten the best of me.
I am now completely consumed and defeated by my boredom and indifference towards everything.

Boredom and Apathy, i'm so damn lazy.
My lack of interest in doing anything has made me extremely lazy.

Boredom and Apathy, I've got no motivation.
Both boredom and apathy are causing me to lack any sense of motivation.

Boredom and Apathy, I've got no motivation.
Both boredom and apathy are causing me to lack any sense of motivation.

That I dont mind!
However, I don't really care about this as I have no motivation.


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01Boredom and Apathy3:00


Second-Class Citizens

02Death by Zombie

03I'll Be Here

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07Move Featuring Marco Luponero)


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15Way Back When


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18Boredom And Apathy - Second-Class Citizens

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@Grant Canty Hello!
I am doing okay after purposely putting myself in rock bottom to learn things I need to learn. I won’t have the perfect advice for you because our situations are quite different, I will put down what I have learnt so you can prepare yourself:
-saving money before quitting is important, if you decide to jump, also learn how to swim when things get hard.
-planning before quitting is important, plan as much as you can while you are still working there.
-the thoughts and the fears came up for me during the time I had no job were so much worse than the situation itself so I learn a lot about myself during this time.
-a culture of working constantly with no rest is toxic to our whole being on so many levels.
-doing the right thing feels like doing the wrong things because I decide against how my family and society expects of me.
-during the time of not having a lot of money with me, I learnt to manage my finance, observing my spending habit to stop buying things I don’t need. Less is more.
-there are skills I learnt during the time of not working is actually more important for my future: being aware of thoughts and fears, emotion regulation, self care, being there for myself no matter what, what is truly important for me, resting, allowing and surrendering.
Hope this helps! I believe everyone has the right and ability to leave what doesn’t work anymore and build a life best suited for them! Wishing you the best of luck!

All My Friends Are Meme! :D

Ultimately the work done is never fairly rewarded if the company you work for is able to make a profit. There is no magical profit realm so someone has to pay for it.

1. Rip off your suppliers

2. Underpay your employees

3. Overcharge your customers

Even if you only screw one of those to turn a profit, you're still screwing the other 2 because you are taking the majority of profit and it's not fairly going to the people doing the actual work.

I can't find any enjoyment in this, it's not like i have a mental disability where something as simple as a lunchbox with my favorite cartoon character on it can make me happy for the day.

survived and thriving

I work for a fairly large organization. When I started, I was all excited to both do my job and to contribute to the organization. I was soon disabused any notion that anyone at my work had any appreciation of either what I do or the ideas that I had to contribute.

I found that when I offered ideas, even when I was the only one in the room who had thought about a particular aspect of my job and/or my organization, and several times even when my PhD related directly to the topic at hand, my ideas were dismissed out of hand and I was chastised for even thinking that I had a place to offer anything to the organization The so-called problem? I have job title x and only those with job title q are to give ideas to the organization, NEVER job title x or anything other than q. Of course, I know of at least two occasions when a q person dismissed my ideas then later submitted and took credit for them as his own (and yes, I do think gender dynamics also plays a role here).

I have never been someone who thinks that they are always right, nor do I think that all of my ideas are the best or even necessarily what the company needs; sometimes people in other areas of the organization know information that I do not and so have different ideas of what will work and what will not. However, it is very frustrating to be dismissed out of hand without anyone even hearing my ideas just because of an arbitrary possession of x title instead of q, especially at times when I am uniquely qualified to understand a particular aspect of my job or the organization.

When my new supervisor transferred in from another department she had the 'get to know you' interviews with us. She commented to me that she noticed I often have good ideas. I explained to her that yes I do, but that I would never again offer any to this organization. From now on, I am taking the time and energy that I would have spent on generating and trying to gain acceptance for my ideas at work and pouring it all instead into my own projects and into finding a job at an organization that appreciates what I do. My supervisor was saddened by that but had to admit she could see my point of view.

In the meantime, I have completely disengaged emotionally and psychologically from my job - I still give good work but nothing more than my exact job description. I really have also taken all of that ideas energy and poured it into my own projects and into finding a job at an organization that appreciates what I do. One of the key features I had already listed for the new type of organization is to look for one that is new, small, and growing so quickly that they appreciate constructive input from everyone without boxing people into narrow job titles that limit their talents and creativity.


That's always a possibility too, if we're not careful. That's why the fight to preserve equality and the social safety net today is so critical, so we aren't setting the stage for the rich and powerful to use automation and AI as a weapon to screw the rest of us over and leave us with nothing in the future.

Personally I think that if we allow permanent private ownership of AI tech, it will inevitably lead to monopolization and the effect will be exactly as you describe. We're certainly on course for such a future as it stands right now. A couple ideas could be to set AI patents to expire after a set amount of time and enter the public domain (maybe a few years, given the assumed pace of technological advancement in the field). This would ensure that no permanent monopoly could exist, though it does carry the risk of a single private entity enjoying a permanent lead over everyone else. But this could be an option that those on the political/economic moderate-to-right could swallow.

Another solution could be to simply turn AI over to the public domain. Use it as a sort of infrastructure that any private entity could tap into should they so choose, without significant barriers to use. This would eliminate the risk of a single private enterprise wielding absolute control of AI development and application, but would run the risk of stifling private innovation. On the other hand, we should probably assume that AI will ultimately be capable of developing itself at a pace that far outstrips any human efforts, so it's possible that the factor of private innovation will become a moot point.

Or we could rely on regulations to determine limits on how AI is allowed to be used. But this might turn into an ad hoc endeavor, with regulators perpetually playing catch-up in a rapidly-advancing field, unsure of how best to react to the latest developments. Plus you would require a government with an appetite to enforce these regulations.

Point is, we have no idea how we're going to actually use AI today, nor do we know the ultimate outcome. But we'd better start thinking and strategizing now, because if we get this right, it could be quite beneficial to all of us. No matter how you slice it, we really are on the cusp of an economic and technological revolution, whether we want to be or not.

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Jonathan Jollimore

If you have ADHD this is extra struggle...and everyone get bored but people with ADHD have pretty much chronic boredom and that why we tend to be little bit out there and sometimes do some kind crazy stuff... we just want stimulate our brain so it start dishing out some dopamine

Brad Horner

He became bored with the accepted shirt color paradigm and I respect that.

Talking to myself

Thanks. I believe talking about these matters going to change the world. My experience with boredom and being uncontent is slightly different though. I just shared on my channel how I cope with boredom

Taha H. Babikir

Have coffee breaks every hour and you will never get bored at work. 🖖

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I love how he dances around the concept that modern employers treat employees like widgets and tools rather than human beings.

Richard Tapales

Yeah... like me...


And that most of the jobs in existence should be done by widgets and tools rather human beings

Moises Jimenez

Yeah well in their defense when you create such a backwards system, it’s easy to think in such a way. I think that’s what he was trying to get at.

28 More Replies...

April Robles

I work as a nurse, and although I sometimes think that I put myself into a sh*tty job, I am now grateful that I can say I have never felt bored even for a single day in my work. 😁

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Boredom and Apathy by Second-Class Citizens (2024)
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Author: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

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Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

Birthday: 1992-08-21

Address: Apt. 237 662 Haag Mills, East Verenaport, MO 57071-5493

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Job: District Real-Estate Architect

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Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.